Orangeries with Range of Options at Adam Window Centres of Tuckton

What is uPVC?

For over 25 years, Adam Window Centres has helped residents replace their current windows and doors with uPVC options. Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC) looks like painted wood, but you will not have to worry about all the maintenance or the price. It works well under all the same conditions you would place hardwood and aluminium options. We also carry a wide variety of colours, styles, and sizes to help you match your current décor and aesthetic, or our professional designers can help you develop a new strategy for your home’s windows and doors. Give us a call today to begin the process. We will send out a representative to start the consultation and get you an estimate in no time.

Why Should you Choose uPVC Windows & Doors?

When looking for new windows and doors, there are certain things you need to think about before purchasing. Will your new material warp over time? Is it resistant to rot, rust, or paint flaking? Can they withstand natural elements such as snow or rain? With uPVC windows and doors, you can stay protected all year long. After we install your new uPVC windows and doors, they will stand up to almost anything Mother Nature will throw at them. They are not only an excellent option for you and those inside but a great way to draw in potential buyers when you are looking to sell. uPVC windows are an investment that helps bring down monthly energy payments — keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. When you are ready to begin exploring your options, please reach out to Adam Window Centres and let us help you get the right windows for you.

What are the Benefits of uPVC Windows & Doors?

The professionals at Adam Window Centres have been installing windows and doors for many years. In this time, we have discovered the popular choice among homeowners is uPVC windows and doors. Check out all the benefits they have to offer you and your home:

Energy-Efficient: uPVC windows and doors are the most energy-efficient option when looking to make replacements around the home. Save money by making the switch to uPVC thanks to its ability to retain heat in the winter and cold air in the summer. Choosing uPVC windows and doors reduces your carbon footprint, which, to many will be their greatest benefit.

Durability: Window frames and doors made from uPVC are also known to last much longer than other options because they are not susceptible to rot and rust like wood and metal window frames. They also will not warp after inclement weather such as rain, snow, and more.

Security: While aluminium is the strongest material you can choose, uPVC is second. Other options, such as wood, can bend and break far more easily. Trust in your windows and doors will make you feel safe. They offer you and your home an excellent amount of protection every time you leave your home.

Fire-Safety: Another way uPVC windows and doors keep you safe is by being difficult to ignite. Wooden doors and windows would go up in a blaze if there were even a small fire, causing the house to burn down faster. Stay protected by choosing uPVC.

Comfort: One of the main reasons Dorset homeowners choose uPVC for their windows and doors is because of the insulation they offer. Stay comfortable in your home no matter the time of year. They create a vacuum-like seal when closed to help keep in your warm air in the winter and cold air during the summer.

Reduced Condensation: Another advantage of the insulative properties of uPVC is the ability to reduce condensation on your window. Since the windowpanes stay warm, they are not able to retain water vapour and will prevent issues such as mould and mildew development.

Lower Cost: Another great benefit you receive from uPVC is how well it fits your budget. New window and door shoppers alike flock towards this material because of the cost-effectiveness, especially if the replacement is an emergency. Replace all your doors and windows at once with this budget-friendly option.

Added Value: If you are looking to sell your home, replacing your doors and windows is an attractive feature which can also raise the value of your home. Using uPVC windows and doors helps make it easier by being far more affordable than other options.

Aesthetics: You may think because of the lower price point, uPVC windows and doors may not be as attractive as other options, but you would be wrong. They come in a wide range of colours and finishes to ensure you find the best option for either your home’s current aesthetics or a future remodel.

Reduced Noise Pollution: uPVC windows come with high-quality glazing which will help keep those unwanted outdoor noises like heavy traffic and early morning birds at bay. They also ensure your music doesn’t bother your neighbours and passers-by.

Low Maintenance: Options like wood require attention almost every five years, but uPVC windows and doors require little to no maintenance over the years. Simply clean with a dry towel and anti-bacterial spray. You also will not have to worry about rot and rust with uPVC.

Wide Selection: Adam Window Centres can offer you plenty of options with uPVC windows and doors. Whether you are remodelling, or you are merely looking to update your current options, uPVC is an excellent choice for any Dorset home.

Call Today for uPVC Windows & Doors

Our experts can’t wait to help install your new uPVC windows and doors. Give us a call today and let us help you make the best decision for your Dorset home. Since 1994, we have installed all kinds of windows and doors across Dorset. We will have no problems helping you upgrade and will answer any questions you may have about the process and materials.

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